Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday (Off) Topic - Burning Platform

A long held strategy for dealing with institutional resistance to change is: Create a Burning Platform.  

The idea is: People resist change.  Staying where they are is generally easier than moving from the status quo.

burning platform is a way to challenge people.  In business it says a market, product or way of doing things has evolved to the point such that staying where you are is the least comfortable place to be.  When a platform becomes hot enough,  it is easier to jump or embrace change than live with the status quo.

Established businesses often land on burning platforms. Newspapers, travel agents, libraries, print magazines, and broadcast television have all had to "jump" to meet the challenges of their changing markets.

Big data creates a large number of burning platforms. We will review many of them in the weeks to come. In the meantime, consider defining you own burning platforms to institute change around you.

Bonus Tip #1

Here's a burning platform that exists in most organizations:
    "If we don't do this now, then <insert competitor name here> will!

This line of reasoning motivates colleagues just about every time - and is often true more frequently than that.

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